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Greater transparency
First of all, no other enterprise blockchain implementation can offer as much transparency as a public blockchain. As we said earlier, the ledger is completely in front of everyone. Everyone has to participate in its maintenance and shared by all nodes.

This way, you can see what’s going on at all times. This is what a private blockchain lacks.

A truly decentralized structure
Ledger is available to everyone on the network. Each node will have its own copy of ledger . And together through consensus algorithms, they can update the ledger with greater fairness.

This distributive nature and equal rights leads to a truly decentralized adoption of the enterprise blockchain. Private blockchains are not fully decentralized compared to public blockchains.

User empowerment
To use all kinds of platforms, you’ll need an internet connection. Go online, download the blockchain and your wallet, and you’re ready to go. This means that no other unscrupulous corporation can prevent you from getting all the benefits of this network. If we compare this to a private blockchain, you can see how users of this network cannot enjoy all such freedom.

Once the transaction is added to the ledger, no one can change it. Yes, this is the most attractive feature of this type of enterprise blockchain platform. Therefore, even if you try to hack this system, you cannot do any harm.

It offers a great degree of immutability. And in a private network, the managing organization can delete your transactions and there is nothing you can do about it.

Private and public blockchain: which one to choose?
This actually depends entirely on your requirements. If you are the CEO of an organization and you want to have an internal network system for your employees only, then a private enterprise blockchain solution would be the best solution. Here, you will be able to grant special powers to your employees according to their job title and with the help of cryptography, you will be secure enough to conduct transactions on the network.

On the other hand, if you need an application type platform with transparency to consumers, then you should opt for a public network. This enterprise blockchain solution is equipped with all the necessary tools and your consumers will be able to trust your brand easily. Besides, complete honesty is always a great way to gain more popularity.

Federated blockchain
You must be thinking how federated blockchain fits into this equation, right? Well, federated blockchain comes with the best features of private and public blockchain. However, you can find some major similarities with the private blockchain.

With a federated blockchain, you get a decentralized private environment.What, confused? In a federated blockchain, instead of one organization serving the network, there will be multiple organizations. Having multiple parties on the network establishes the decentralized structure of a public blockchain.

You can imagine this type of enterprise blockchain adoption being at the center of any related organization. This would be a system where multiple organizations can interact with each other if necessary.

Also, if a party tries to abuse something on the network, other corporations can ban the use of it on the network.

Corporate Blockchain